Pregnancy Care
Antenatal Care for a Healthy Pregnancy
Parenthood is a blissful celebration. At ADVAMED HOSPITALS we make you live these unforgettable moments. Well-designed antenatal checkups, antenatal exercise program, antenatal counseling, Baby Blooms and Lamaze classes makes expecting mothers confident and comfortable.
- Antenatal care begins as soon as the women skips her period and her pregnancy test is positive.
- On your visit you and your baby are closely checked up clinically. Few diagnostic tests like blood group, hemoglobin, Viral Markers, Blood Sugar, Urine Examination and HB electrophoresis to screen thalassemia state etc. depending on patient’s medical profile are done.
- You are given the needful vaccinations like TT, DPT, flu vaccine, etc.
- Ultrasound scans are done routinely for wellbeing of the fetus. Minimum four scans are done throughout pregnancy to be doubly sure that baby is fine.
- First between 6 to 8 weeks to check heartbeat.
- Second at 12 to 13 weeks 6days (NT Scan) to access your risk of having a downs baby and need of further testing or not.
- Third or the most crucial at 18 to 19 weeks of pregnancy to look for fetal parts and any malformation in the baby.
- Fourth in ninth month to check out for the growth of baby.
More scans may be needed in high risk pregnancies, the need of which is individualized Visits are usually three weeklies to tackle common symptoms like nausea, vomiting, backache and growth assessment of your baby. In 8th month you visit every two weeks and weekly in ninth month.
Special attractions Regular antenatal classes are conducted to teach u about various symptom management and understanding pregnancy (one in each trimester (total 3). Besides this special training on birthing is given in LAMAZE sessions.
Yoga classes are conducted to soothe your body changes and to tackle aches and pains. Meditation sessions are conducted to increase your stamina and endurance ability for the smooth journey of advamed.
Dietician consult is an all-time guide for dos and don’ts in eating habits during pregnancy Face to face anesthesia consult boosts your confidence for epidural analgesia for painless delivery and spinal anaesthesia for cesarean if need be.
Celebrations in form of baby shower make u feel special and happy. Single step antenatal workshop, a capsule having all in one of above in a nutshell are held on regular basis.